Thomas Malthus
- Population increases exponentially, but food production can only increase linearly
- Poverty is the result of irresponsible breeding by the poor
- Contraception is unacceptable, as the poor become lazy if they aren't forced by necessity to work
- The only way to prevent universal famine is to starve the poor
- See Malthus (1798); Harvey (1974)
Garrett Hardin
- Human reproduction continues until carrying capacity reached
- Poverty and famine in poor countries primarily due to irresponsible governments and citizens
- Allowing families (and by extension women) to control their own fertility is ``intolerable''
- ``Lifeboat ethic'' (i.e. ``Every man for himself, and the Devil take the hindmost'')
- Food aid causes the poor to breed, and eventually leads to famine
- Privatize natural resources or have the State restrict access to prevent overexploitation
- See Hardin (1968,1974a,1986,1974b,1998)
``Cairo consensus''
- Switch from coercive to individual-based approach
- Emphasis on women's rights and empowerment, sexual health, contraception availability, family planning
- Partnerships with NGOs and human rights organizations
- ``Sustained economic growth,'' social justice, and ecological sustainability are mutually obtainable goals
- See ICPD (1994); UNFPA (2004)
Karl Marx
- Human reproduction is linked to social mode of production and reproduction
- Poverty due to wealth accumulation (intra-nationally) and imperial exploitation (inter-nationally)
- Surplus population produced by land appropriation and replacement of workers with machines
- Population stabilization much more feasible when wealth and power are shared
- See Marx (1857,1867); Meek (1971)
Brian M Napoletano