Simple population models

Change in a population with continuous growth

$ N_{t+1}=N_{t}+B-D+I-E$
$ {\Delta}N=r=B-D+I-E$

Exponential population growth

$\displaystyle \frac{dN}{dt} = rN$ (1)

$\displaystyle N_{t} = N_{0}e^{rt}$ (2)

After Gotelli (1998)

Exponential population growth

Image rav7_fig_08_02b

Environmental resistance

Image environmental_resistance

Density dependence in limited populations

Density-dependent factors
Vary in significance with population density--e.g. predation, disease, competition
Density-independent factors
Do not vary in response to population density--e.g. weather events, volcanic eruptions, collision with an extra-terrestrial body

Logistic population growth

$\displaystyle \frac{dN}{dt} = rN(1-\frac{N}{K})$ (3)

$\displaystyle N_{t}=\frac{K}{1+[\frac{(K-N_{0})}{N_{0}}]e^{-rt}}$ (4)

After Gotelli (1998)

Logistic population growth

Image rav7_fig_08_03b

Oscillating population

Image rav7_fig_08_05b

Oscillating population

Image population_oscillation

Age-structured population

$\displaystyle \begin{pmatrix}n_{1}\\ n_{2}\\ n_{3}\\ {\vdots}\\ n_{x}\end{pmatr...
...trix}\begin{pmatrix}n_{1}\\ n_{2}\\ n_{3}\\ {\vdots}\\ n_{x}\end{pmatrix}_{(t)}$ (5)

Called the Leslie matrix after Leslie (1945), see also Coulson and Godfray (2007)

Brian M Napoletano 2011-09-26